Just want to thank everyone at Riebeek- Kasteel for allowing me to take pictures of them. I enjoyed the day, great people, beautiful horses and the African sun.
Good luck with 2010! Hopefully I shall see you soon.
Thanks again.
Want to order prints?
The print list:
Size Price
Jumbo R7.00
A5 R20.00
A4 R30.00
A3 R125.00
A2 R225.00
A1 R325.00
The way to order
Please send me an email with the following information:
Your name; surname with your contact details and then the photo number and size you want.
For example:
Name: Cara
Surname: Bakkes
Tel: 084 516 3816
Postal ad: PO Box 1414, Paarl 7646
Photo no:
A23 – Jumbo R7.00
A64 – Jumbo x 2 (double) R14.00
B51 – A5 R20.00
C33 – Jumbo; A4 R37.00
Total: R78.00
My banking details: CM Bakkes
ABSA savings account
Acc nr 917 221 32 85
Delivery of photos will take place 7 working days after receiving of payment.
P.S Please make sure you put down your name and surname as reference.
If you want to view your pictures of Riebeek-Kasteel click on the following
Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
If you have any problems please contact me at 084 516 3816 or carabakkesphotography@gmail.com
Enjoy !